My prices are flexible!
All my work is made with love ♡

Emotes can be made for any platform. Including Twitch and Discord.
DEAL: 3 for $30
1 Emote: $15
Sub Badges:
One recolored for each milestone $15.
A different badge for each milestone, open to discuss.
Profile Icons:
Logo Designs:
Please contact me to discuss pricing.
Banners can be made for any platform. Including Twitch, Twitter, and Youtube.
Prices for banner may range from $25-$35 depending on complexity.
Chibi Full Body:
With background $35. Without background $30.
Fursona or Original Characters:
-Full Body: $40
-thigh up: $30
-Bust: $25
Reference Sheet:
Discuss Pricing, depending on the complexity of your fursona's/character's design.
Fanart is allowed.
NSFW is allowed.
Contact me via email or through social media. Payment is accepted through CashApp or Paypal. No refunds after I have finished the sketch.I am always open to do more! Please don't be shy to ask.

Terms of Service
I have the right to refuse service! I will never draw anything racist, homophobic, transphobic, or anything involving hate speech or symbols! Payment is always accepted up front in full. No refunds once I have finished the sketch!